Where your hands should be..
Taox got a sexy sleeve, full chest and back tattoo for you and your significant other to share.
Comes in various shading and feautres BOM which is awesome for us BoM peeps.
Nice Japanese Oni design that flows across your upper chest and fits perfectly with the sleeves.
The tattoo makes its way up your neck and settles nicely underneath your jaw line. So it is not overbearing on the female body.
Available huds for: Vista hands, Maitreya, Tmp, Catwa, Letluka, Omega, Slink, Belleza & BoM

Outfit Top and Panties are OOPS
It is cute and sexy, the outfit includes print and an assortment of colors for you to choose from.
You can find this sexy outfit @

Sexy Pose featured is
.::Domizia::. - Female 14
Bento pose that comes in a single pose ball for you to move to your desire.
Sexy well placed hands to entice and gesture naughty ideas to anyone looking at it.
Where da goods at?