Completely His ♥

by - July 02, 2019

I bring to you this GORGEOUS! I mean GORGEOUS! dress from Lun'Atic.
 Brook is a sleek dress that has so many options lace, solid,pattern and the colors are just beautiful.
I have never been a beige girl but I wore this and it was so satin smooth and clean I fell in love. The textures are amazing even low graphic you will still get that nice look of it, a slight clip in the mid area but that is about it.

Best thing? Is strip me! So if you like your partner just pealing off you clothes...GET THIS NOW


Lun'Atic @ Facebook
Lun'Atic @Flickr

Hair: Sintiklia - Hair Kim - Reds
Nails: *PL* bento nail #001
[ bubble ] Boho Arrow Bracelets Set
[ SpotCat ] Thousand and  One Nights - Bento rings
^^Swallow^^ Magic Necklace 0.2 

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